146 research outputs found

    The effect of diversified crop rotations with faba beans (Vicia faba L.) on pollinators and pollination services

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    Agricultural intensification and the loss of suitable habitats are drivers of insect declines. Besides the promotion of semi-natural habitats (SNH), the utilization of diversified crop rotations including flowering crops is an option to sustain pollinators. As flowering and nitrogen fixing crops, grain legumes provide several environmental benefits but are underrepresented in the EU. Since 2013 they are promoted within the greening reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). On-field biodiversity measures are often criticized, though their possible benefits for biodiversity are widely unknown. My PhD thesis aims at investigating the landscape-scale effect of conventional faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivation on wild bee communities, their resource utilization and their pollination services. Experiments were conducted in 1km x 1km study landscapes in Germany. For the first three chapters a paired study design was applied with one landscape of a pair comprising at least one faba bean field and the respective control landscape without grain legumes. In the first chapter we studied effects of faba bean cultivation on functional groups of wild bees. We conducted pollinator surveys at field margins of different crops in 30 study landscapes. Bumblebee densities were more than twice as high in faba bean compared to control landscapes, while non-Bombus wild bees were only driven by the amount of SNH. These results indicate that a combination of on- and off-field greening measures is necessary to conserve farmland biodiversity and we recommend that the CAP should furthermore promote both. In the second chapter we investigated the effect of two mass-flowering crops (MFC) on the functional trait composition of bee communities in SNH. Faba bean cultivation promoted bumblebees, especially long-tongued species, social bees and bees foraging on Fabaceae. High oilseed rape (OSR) covers changed wild bee community composition in favor for solitary bees. Local flower cover of SNH was the main driver of non-Bombus wild bees and wild bee species richness. Thus, different MFC promote specific functional bee groups adapted to the crop`s flower morphology. Concluding, the cultivation of functionally diverse crops, combined with a high local flower cover of SNH needs to be targeted by management practices to sustain diverse pollinator communities. In the third chapter we studied landscape and faba bean cultivation effects on the colony development and resource utilization of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris L.). The colonies` reproductive success was not influenced by landscape composition but enhanced by landscape diversity. Faba bean cultivation and pollen diversity interacted and resulted in more young queens with increasing pollen diversity in landscapes without faba bean. In addition, colonies that collected a higher pollen diversity had a reduced A. sociella depredation. Increased parasitism had a cascading negative effect on the reproductive success of bumblebees by limiting colony growth. Our study shows that high landscape diversity and diverse pollen diets can enhance the reproductive success of bumblebees. A diverse diet even mitigated depredation by wax moths. To sustain vital bumblebee populations and their pollination services, diverse and floral rich habitat types should be conserved or restored in agricultural landscapes. In the fourth chapter we investigated, how bee densities in OSR fields are affected by past and current MFC cultivation and how insect pollination affects OSR yield components. Bee densities were positively affected by past MFC covers and negatively affected by current OSR covers. Pollinator exclusion decreased seed number per pod and increased seed weight. Insect pollination interacted with the plants` pod number in shaping yields, while compensating for low pod numbers. In the fifth chapter we analyzed the effect of landscape composition on the densities of different functional bee groups and their foraging behavior in faba bean fields in 11 different landscapes. Moreover, the effect of insect pollination and of landscape composition was tested on faba bean yield components. Landscape composition affected the bees` foraging behavior in the crop. Increasing covers of faba bean and of semi-natural habitats in a landscape had a positive effect on bee densities and on faba bean yield, while oilseed rape cover had a negative effect. Our study emphasizes the importance of considering landscape management in order to maximize flowering crop yields. In conclusion, Vicia faba cultivation is an effective measure to promote wild bees, which are needed for high crop yields. Though, since benefits for pollinator groups depend on the crops` flower morphology, functional trait composition of wild bee communities can be changed in landscapes with a dominating mass-flowering crop species. Thus, landscape and local farm management should aim at increasing farmland plant diversity. The combination of a high cover and quality of semi-natural habitats as well as of diversified farming practices targeting a high spatial and temporal crop diversity is essential to conserve diverse pollinator communities and to sustain high crop yields.2021-12-0

    The Credibility Distinction In Kroger Co. v. Morris

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    The opinion issued by the court of appeals in Kroger Co. v. Morris was both short and, in light of precedent, predictable. The practical consequences of the reasoning used by the court in this and similar cases, however, may be much less predictable than is desirable. The case concerned a Virginia Worker\u27s Compensation Commission decision that contained a finding regarding the credibility of a witness which contradicted the finding of the deputy commissioner who presided at the hearing. The court of appeals held that it is permissible for the worker\u27s Compensation Commission to make a credibility finding which differs from that of the deputy, so long as the deputy\u27s finding was based on the substance of the witness\u27 testimony rather than the appearance or demeanor of the witness. The distinction the court has made between demeanor credibility and substance credibility has theoretical appeal to the extent that the two types of credibility differ, as demeanor credibility can only be evaluated by one who has actually observed the witness, while substance credibility can be determined from the written record alone. The possibilities, however, that deputies may not specify which type of credibility has influenced their determinations, that deputies might not be aware of the extent to which each type has influenced their decisions, and that demeanor may in any event be an unreliable indicator of veracity, call into question the court\u27s credibility distinction

    Psychophysiologische Stressregulationsmuster und somatopsychische Komorbidität

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    Die Arbeit umfasst die Identifikation autonomer Regulationsmuster zur Frühdiagnostik chronischer Stressbeanspruchung und untersucht ihren Zusammenhang mit somatopsychischer Komorbidität zur Prävention stressbedingter Erkrankungen. Hierzu wurden kardiorespiratorische Reaktionsprofile aus Herzfrequenz und RSA unter standardisierten Belastungsbedingungen und ambulanter Verlaufsmessung untersucht. Ein kardiorespiratorisches Reaktionsprofil mit Anzeichen grenzwertiger Beanspruchung ging gleichzeig auch mit ungünstigeren physiologischen Risikokennwerten, schlechterem Gesundheitsverhalten und erhöhter somatischer Komorbidität einher

    Brain-behaviour correlates of habitual motivation in chronic back pain

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    Nees F, Ruttorf M, Fuchs X, Rance M, Beyer N. Brain-behaviour correlates of habitual motivation in chronic back pain. Scientific Reports. 2020;10(1): 11090

    Analysis of costs for the use of pesticides in winter wheat and winter oil seed rape based on Network of Reference Farms Plant Protection 2007–2010

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    Seit dem Jahr 2007 wird das Netz Vergleichsbetriebe Pflanzenschutz betrieben. Dessen Ziel ist es, jedes Jahr Daten zur Intensität der Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in Kulturen und Regionen zu gewinnen und durch Experten im Hinblick auf das notwendige MaĂź zu be­werten. Auf der Grundlage dieser Daten wurden ökonomische Analysen zur Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln in den Vergleichsbetrieben in Winterweizen und Winterraps durchgefĂĽhrt. Insgesamt fanden 13 264 EinzelmaĂźnahmen auf 1457 untersuchten Schlägen in den Jahren 2007 bis 2010 BerĂĽcksichtigung. Die Daten wurden in einer Oracle-Datenbank verwaltet und nach Regionen und Pflanzenschutzmittelkategorien ausgewertet. Zusätzlich wurden fĂĽr jede PflanzenschutzmaĂźnahme die Mittelkosten und Ăśberfahrtkosten ermittelt. Ausgehend von der Behandlungsintensität gemessen als Behandlungsindex, erfolgte die Bestimmung der durchschnittlichen Kosten fĂĽr eine PflanzenschutzmaĂźnahme, bezogen auf die einzelnen Pflanzenschutzmittelkatego­rien, und die Kosten fĂĽr einen Behandlungsindex von 1,0. AuĂźerdem wurden die Gesamtkosten fĂĽr PflanzenschutzmaĂźnahmen berechnet. Diese lagen im Durchschnitt der vier Jahre bei 214,40 â‚¬ fĂĽr Winterweizen und 247,00 â‚¬ bei Winterraps pro ha und Anbaujahr. SchlieĂźlich wurden die Daten auf Korrelationen mit verschie­denen Einflussfaktoren geprĂĽft. So zeigten sich im Winterweizen positive Korrelationen zwischen den Gesamtkosten und dem Ertrag sowie den Gesamtkosten und der Ackerzahl und eine negative Korrelation zwischen den Gesamtkosten und der Betriebsfläche. Im Winterraps konnten hingegen positive Korrelationen zwischen den Gesamtkosten und der Betriebsfläche sowie zwischen den Gesamtkosten und der Schlagfläche festgestellt werden. Insgesamt kann aus den Ergebnissen abgeleitet werden, dass die Kosten fĂĽr PflanzenschutzmaĂźnahmen im Winterraps deutlich ĂĽber den Kosten im Winterweizen lagen. Das resultiert vor allem aus dem insgesamt höheren Behandlungsindex und den höheren Ausgaben fĂĽr Herbizide und Insektizide in Winterraps.    Since 2007, the Network of Reference Farms Plant Protection has been in operation. Its aim is to gather information about the intensity of pesticide use in main crops and regions every year. Minimum need assessments are also carried out by experts from the plant protection services. Based on these findings, economic analyses regarding the pesticide use in the farms were conducted on winter wheat and winter oil seed rape. Altogether, 13 264 single measures on 1457 fields were considered during the period 2007–2010. The data were entered into an Oracle-database and evaluated according to regions and pesticide groups. Additionally, for every plant protection measure, both the product costs and operating costs were determined. Based on the intensity of the pesticide treatment measured as Treatment Frequency Index (TFI), the average costs of one plant protection measure and the costs of a TFI at 1.0 were determined. Furthermore, the total costs for plant protection measures were calculated. On average for four years, they amounted to 214.40 â‚¬ for winter wheat and 247.00 â‚¬ for winter oil seed rape per hectare per year. Finally, the data were evaluated in correlation with several influences. In winter wheat, there were positive correlations between total costs and yield as well as total costs and soil value and a negative correlation between total costs and farm area. In contrast, winter oil seed rape showed positive correlations between total costs and farm area as well as between total costs and field size. In conclusion, the results showed that the costs for plant protection measures in winter oil seed rape were clearly higher than the costs in winter wheat. This resulted mainly from the overall higher TFI and the higher expenditures for herbicides and insecticides in winter oil seed rape.   &nbsp

    Clinical and cost effectiveness of endoscopic bipolar radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of malignant biliary obstruction: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Early evidence suggests that using radiofrequency ablation as an adjunct to standard care (i.e. endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with stenting) may improve outcomes in patients with malignant biliary obstruction. OBJECTIVES: To assess the clinical effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and potential risks of endoscopic bipolar radiofrequency ablation for malignant biliary obstruction, and the value of future research. DATA SOURCES: Seven bibliographic databases, three websites and seven trials registers were searched from 2008 until 21 January 2021. REVIEW METHODS: The study inclusion criteria were as follows: patients with biliary obstruction caused by any form of unresectable malignancy; the intervention was reported as an endoscopic biliary radiofrequency ablation to ablate malignant tissue that obstructs the bile or pancreatic ducts, either to fit a stent (primary radiofrequency ablation) or to clear an obstructed stent (secondary radiofrequency ablation); the primary outcomes were survival, quality of life or procedure-related adverse events; and the study design was a controlled study, an observational study or a case report. Risk of bias was assessed using Cochrane tools. The primary analysis was meta-analysis of the hazard ratio of mortality. Subgroup analyses were planned according to the type of probe, the type of stent (i.e. metal or plastic) and cancer type. A de novo Markov model was developed to model cost and quality-of-life outcomes associated with radiofrequency ablation in patients with primary advanced bile duct cancer. Insufficient data were available for pancreatic cancer and secondary bile duct cancer. An NHS and Personal Social Services perspective was adopted for the analysis. A probabilistic analysis was conducted to estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for radiofrequency ablation and the probability that radiofrequency ablation was cost-effective at different thresholds. The population expected value of perfect information was estimated in total and for the effectiveness parameters. RESULTS: Sixty-eight studies (1742 patients) were included in the systematic review. Four studies (336 participants) were combined in a meta-analysis, which showed that the pooled hazard ratio for mortality following primary radiofrequency ablation compared with a stent-only control was 0.34 (95% confidence interval 0.21 to 0.55). Little evidence relating to the impact on quality of life was found. There was no evidence to suggest an increased risk of cholangitis or pancreatitis, but radiofrequency ablation may be associated with an increase in cholecystitis. The results of the cost-effectiveness analysis were that the costs of radiofrequency ablation was £2659 and radiofrequency ablation produced 0.18 quality-adjusted life-years, which was more than no radiofrequency ablation on average. With an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of £14,392 per quality-adjusted life-year, radiofrequency ablation was likely to be cost-effective at a threshold of £20,000 per quality-adjusted life-year across most scenario analyses, with moderate uncertainty. The source of the vast majority of decision uncertainty lay in the effect of radiofrequency ablation on stent patency. LIMITATIONS: Only 6 of 18 comparative studies contributed to the survival meta-analysis, and few data were found concerning secondary radiofrequency ablation. The economic model and cost-effectiveness meta-analysis required simplification because of data limitations. Inconsistencies in standard reporting and study design were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Primary radiofrequency ablation increases survival and is likely to be cost-effective. The evidence for the impact of secondary radiofrequency ablation on survival and of quality of life is limited. There was a lack of robust clinical effectiveness data and, therefore, more information is needed for this indication. FUTURE WORK:  Future work investigating radiofrequency ablation must collect quality-of-life data. Highquality randomised controlled trials in secondary radiofrequency ablation are needed, with appropriate outcomes recorded. STUDY REGISTRATION: This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD42020170233. FUNDING:  This project was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment programme and will be published in full in Health Technology Assessment; Vol. 27, No. 7. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information

    Regulierende Ă–kosystemleistungen in Fruchtfolgen mit Ackerbohnen (Vicia faba) und Erbsen (Pisum sativum): Quantifizierung, Bewertung und Realisierung (Verbundvorhaben)

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    Das hier beschriebene Verbundvorhaben umfasst folgende Teilprojekte: FKZ 15EPS016, FKZ 15EPS060 und FKZ 15EPS061. Die kombinierten Wirkungen diversifizierter Fruchtfolgen mit Körnerleguminosen in konventionellen Anbausystemen sind wenig untersucht. Wir haben die Effekte des Anbaus von Ackerbohnen (Vicia faba) auf die Vielfalt und Abundanz von Bestäubern und Raubarthropoden, die biologische Schädlingskontrolle und die Kulturpflanzenbestäubung untersucht. Zudem wurden Vorfrucht- und Nachbarschaftseffekte analysiert. Ökonomische und agronomische Daten wurden anhand von Betriebsbefragungen erhoben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass v. a. Hummeln vom Ackerbohnenanbau profitieren, andere Wildbienen aber von blütenreichen, naturnahen Lebensräumen in der Agrarlandschaft abhängen. Insektenbestäubung ist ein wichtiger Parameter für die Ertragsbildung bei Ackerbohnen und Raps. Es zeigte sich ein positiver Nachbarschaftseffekt der Ackerbohne auf vegetationsbewohnende Nützlinge. Zudem waren die Aktivitätsdichten von Spinnen in Landschaften mit Ackerbohne höher als in Landschaften ohne Ackerbohne. Ackerbohnen können in einzelnen Jahren unter Einbezug des monetären Vorfruchtwerts eine wirtschaftlich konkurrenzfähige Alternative zu den übrigen Hauptkulturen sein, die allerdings stark von den gegebenen Standort- und Witterungsbedingungen beeinflusst wird. Der Anbau von Ackerbohnen bringt landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben agronomische Vorteile. Allerdings zeigte sich auch eine Volatilität in der Wirtschaftlichkeit des Ackerbohnenanbaus. Hinsichtlich der ökologischen Wirkungen sollte der Ackerbohnenanbau mit anderen Maßnahmen (v. a. die Wiederherstellung und der Erhalt von halbnatürlichen Habitaten) kombiniert werden, die auch für die Bereitstellung von Ökosystemleistungen wie biologische Schädlingskontrolle oder Bestäubung von Relevanz sind

    Platelet-derived serotonin links vascular disease and tissue fibrosis

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    Blocking 5-HT2B receptor provides a therapeutic target for fibrotic diseases caused by activated platelet release of serotonin during vascular damage

    Microbial ecosystem assessment and hydrogen oxidation potential of newly discovered vent systems from the Central and South-East Indian Ridge

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    In order to expand the knowledge of microbial ecosystems from deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems located on the Central and South-East Indian Ridge, we sampled hydrothermal fluids, massive sulfides, ambient water and sediments of six distinct vent fields. Most of these vent sites were only recently discovered in the course of the German exploration program for massive sulfide deposits and no previous studies of the respective microbial communities exist. Apart from typically vent-associated chemosynthetic members of the orders Campylobacterales, Mariprofundales, and Thiomicrospirales, high numbers of uncultured and unspecified Bacteria were identified via 16S rRNA gene analyses in hydrothermal fluid and massive sulfide samples. The sampled sediments however, were characterized by an overall lack of chemosynthetic Bacteria and the presence of high proportions of low abundant bacterial groups. The archaeal communities were generally less diverse and mostly dominated by members of Nitrosopumilales and Woesearchaeales, partly exhibiting high proportions of unassigned Archaea. Correlations with environmental parameters were primarily observed for sediment communities and for microbial species (associated with the nitrogen cycle) in samples from a recently identified vent field, which was geochemically distinct from all other sampled sites. Enrichment cultures of diffuse fluids demonstrated a great potential for hydrogen oxidation coupled to the reduction of various electron-acceptors with high abundances of Hydrogenovibrio and Sulfurimonas species. Overall, given the large number of currently uncultured and unspecified microorganisms identified in the vent communities, their respective metabolic traits, ecosystem functions and mediated biogeochemical processes have still to be resolved for estimating consequences of potential environmental disturbances by future mining activities
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